it is autumn and the autumn ansich is already so take a fun-activity-inhibiting affair.
what can be done already? you can tinker chestnut males and already with hats and scarves and cuffs for all possible body parts stock up then tell me a lot. and what else? jenaustens. nothing more. things, or at least not be so great as outdoor theater, festivals of all kinds, flea markets, the whole day on the air, beer in oh park up at night around 1, na, etc.
since one is quite excited, no longing, no .. I can not believe it.
believe I can no longer to my mother. I make an extra super great pizza with all the bells and whistles and they? she does everything gone. to drop off the oven cleaner inside and gently nothing. standing next to me happily when I (is the only eat in the autumn, which makes me laugh), my wonderful pizza oven in said slide now and not even 6 minutes later, smoke the kitchen ..
eat the pizza I do not anymore. klaro .. highly toxic and cancer-I love it even non.
pah, I'm angry.
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