Monday, September 27, 2004

Marine Corps Wrestling Singlet


so it was yesterday then set actually. I go to hall to my grandmother once to make society. this is not so straightforward. IT is not so straightforward. it is actually the real reason why I had three books and 10 cds when I was wearing, so I can avoid as much contact as possible.
it's not like that I do not .. like .. or no! false start of sentence. It is not that I do not love her .. but I do not like them! (Ha, that's now quite brazenly somewhere cited)
got the train I slept very clever .. when I woke up I found myself with a slobbering fat sack and prangerndem already next to me, "Halle (Saale) Hbf." face shield. two reasons now to rush out from the IC and to forget my cuffs.
and there it was already. in the seating areas of the concourse. jaja, then pushed it and had seen awful long time and so on. when she took my hand and dragged me around, without really knowing exactly where they wanted to because next, was the first reason to feel myself again as four. "Do we want a coffee drink in the city built over it now or we here quickly two wiiiiiiirklich of cake and delicious to eat at home then gaaaaaaaanz comfortable, child?" I recognized the vocal laaaaaang drawn that they would probably rather eat at home, I said this: "Oh, I was already in hall laaaaaaaaange not let us go but into the city." haha, I thought I could annoy a bit. but it is definitely tougher than I am. the following discussion I will not back here .. one has even non eeeeeeewich time, right? at least we drove home. yes .. in the city was built .. (When is it not time for built shit ????) but every time we saw a gaping excavation or curbs did they give me an accurate up-to-building work next-stop-minute-long lecture on the. we took a long time. I then tried
in between a few topics of interest relating to me and to smash, but failed, for it was extremely important things in her doorway! these mysterious dips, in which they terrorized (think of the student forgets her in the evening in the always rushing to the door to make me) and also this really terrifying scream about it (vögelndes Päärchen mid-twenties). well ... enlighten udn finally weghören .. The problem is that one always sleeveless drags, once you get to Neu-Isenburg (yes the city is invaded me, because there certainly much more respectable grandmothers are at home!) wishes and ask in their increasingly loud and imperious tone, 'says / hisses: "Child, where are you with your thoughts no wonder you always lose and everything happened so rumläufst down!"
and all the following day yet for me were pure horror. mainly because they lived so isolated the weeks before and at most times drunk much has really great friends with, but has shunned ordinary conversation. I
'm so ready, that I have just decided that the working up to my anguish but here is important, but I still lust keien have more to say about it!
I'll try later to describe the horror even further, to give me the time to read through and ask me what a horrible girl I'm for, that values its oma so small!


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