I'm still alive ...
Nach ewig währender Abwesenheit gibts nochmal ein Lebenszeichen von mir.^^
Ja, ich lebe noch und meine Zeit in Japan ist stressig. Das war ja nix Neues, aber das sie so stressig werden würde hätte ich nicht gedacht.
Der Sommer war sehr schön, wenn ich auch vom Sumidagawa-Feuerwerk maßlos enttäuscht war. Auch die Hitze hat mir nix ausgemacht, wahrscheinlich weil ich mir ständig gesagt hab: "Das wird bestimmt noch viel heißer, so warm kanns also noch gar nicht sein." So hab ich den Sommer gut über die Runden gebracht und schwupp-die-wupps war es Herbst... Der kam buchstäblich über Nacht, denn die Temperatur ist innerhalb einer Nacht um 8 (!) Grad gefallen. Kein Scherz! Ich weiß jetzt wie sich Schockfrosten anfühlt. *g*
Ich habe die letzten Monate hauptsächlich damit verbracht Informationen zu sammeln. Und zwar Informationen bezüglich der Verfahrensweise der Stipendienverlängerung. Das war sehr anstrengend und nervenaufreibend, denn die Informationspolitik in Japan ist BESCHEIDEN. Und zwar weil sich das Ministerium mit seinen Entscheidungen (ja, die ändern die Verfahrensweise gerne jährlich) bis zur letzten Minute bedeckt hält und die Leute an den Unis aufgrund dieser Tatsache nichts wissen und auch allgemein eher weniger Plan haben, sobald es um Leute geht, die nicht der Masse entsprechen: Jemand der direkt in nen Dr.-Kurs will... Wo gibts denn sowas...
Ich habe also versucht Unis zu finden, die für mich passen würden und das ist aufgrund der erklecklichen Anzahl an Unis hier nicht gerade einfach. Also hab ich mir erstmal ne ausreichende Anzahl an Kandidaten ausgesucht, die ich in die engere Wahl nehmen wollte. Ich habe übrigens bereits im Mai begonnen regelmäßig bei meiner Uni anzufragen, bis wann ich in einem Dr.-Kurs sein muss. Die Antwort: Ich habe 2 Jahre Zeit. Klingt ja gut, nur daß mir ALLE meine Kontakte aus früher Zeit hier in Japan said: "Ronald, to see that you are after 1 year in class, or extend your scholarship NOT"
Dumb as I am, I trust that the information the University holds. Still, I'm so my thoughts because of the completely contradictory statement of my personal information ... Well
Finally, it was at some point and I got as far as the application for scholarship renewal. And then I met the first blow ... and indeed several times: first
I had two weeks to give time to the request. To clarify again: In two weeks I had to decide an welche Uni ich gehe, einen Termin mit den Profs dort ausmachen, die treffen und fragen ob sie mich akzeptieren etc. pp. Das ist mal KNAPPES TIMING! Zum Glück hatte ich bereits begonnen Kontakt aufzunehmen. Hätte ich das nicht getan... ich wage nicht dran zu denken!
2. Ich darf lediglich die Aufnahmeprüfung an 2 Unis absolvieren, denn ich darf nur 2 Unis auf dem Formular zur Stipendienverlängerung angeben. Falls ich an eine andere Uni gehen sollte, erhalte ich keine Stipendienverlängerung. FREUNDLICH!
3. Ich muss in 1,5 Jahren an der Uni immatrikuliert sein. Das heißt, da ich schon seit 6 Monaten in Japan bin, entweder im April oder im Herbst. Thank you for saying I have 2 years! I had actually planned to make only a trial in April 2009 and, if that had not worked out, then another in April 2010. Nope! Too bad.
The statement I would have 2 years is far worse than I have in fact only 6 months. After all, unlike in Germany, the universities in Japan usually begin in April. There are few courses that begin in the fall and is therefore covered the fall off for me! This means: My friends were right. I need to de facto within a year in his course or can I forget! Great sausage!
etc. After 2 weeks of continuous stress, sleepless nights pp. (von meinem (geistigen) Gesundheitszustand mal zu schweigen *bitte nicht ganz so ernst nehmen ÜBERTREIBUNG*) hab ich es geschafft das Formular fristgerecht am LETZTEN Tag abzugeben.
Ich dachte an Aufatmen - aber weitgefehlt! Denn aufgrund der Regelung daß ich mich lediglich an zwei Unis bewerben darf und nur 2 Wochen Zeit hatte, musste ich mich für dei Tôdai entscheiden... Denn das war eine der Unis zu denen ich bereits Kontakt hatte. Der kleine Haken: Das Ende der Anmeldefrist ist der 4. Dezember. Zu dieser Zeit waren das noch ca. 4 Wochen. Ist ja schaffbar denkt man sich, wenn das nicht der ganze lästige Papierkram wäre. Unter anderem muss ich eine 成績証明書 (eine Auflistung aller meiner erbrachten Studienleistungen) einreichen. Also eine Scheinauflistung meines gesamten Studiums. In Trier gibt es leider keine solche Auflistung von Uni-Seiten aus, also muss man das alles selber tun. Ich mich also dran gemacht und geschrieben und das ganze dann per mail mit samt den Scans meiner Scheine an die Uni geschickt.
Zunächst wandte ich mich an das Akademische Auslandsamt (AKA), denn die haben mir meine Scheinlisten für das Hauptstudium schon für die Bewerbung meines jetzigen Stipendiums abgestempelt. Die Antwort kam prompt: Das AKA stempelt Scheinlisten nur für Auslandsaufenthalte während des Studiums oder zwecks Stipendienbwerbungen ab. In allen anderen Fällen (wie der Immatrikulation an einer Uni) sind die jeweiligen Fächer selbst für die Stempelei zuständig.
Aha... also gut. Ich die Listen einzeln an die Fächer geschickt. Zunächst an die Germanistik. Die antwortet auch prompt und sagt man PRÜFT mein Anliegen, aber grundsätzlich würde solch eine Liste nur in Ausnahmefällen gestempelt, da die Schein an sich ja schon ofizielle Belege wären.
AHA... wasn das für ne Aussage! Wenn ich der japanischen Uni meine Originalscheine Kopiere kann die damit Null anfangen! (naja, ehrlich gesagt können die mit meinen Scheinlisten anyway nothing to start, as the university system in Germany is totally different anyway, but whatever)
At least check it. That's ever nice.
The Japo responded relatively quickly and send me swiftly to my lists (yes was to be expected otherwise) and The equity partners as well (which surprised me pleasantly.)
A week goes by and nothing new from the Germanic . So I wrote again and asked whether they received my documents and told that I to, 4 December must submit. The answer comes quickly, we have not received my documents and take care of the next possible date for it. "For nächstmöglichen Termin" - was auch immer das heißen mag. Ok. Ich warte... eine erneute Woche zieht ins Land. Mitlerweile ist es der 25. und ich hab immer noch nix von der Germanistik. Da die Zeit knapp wird schreibe ich Frau Gössmann. Die ist zur Zeit Dekanin und kann da vielleicht etwas Druck machen.
Frau Gössmann ruft noch am gleichen Tag bei der Germanistik an und siehe da... auf einnmal schafft die Germanistik es sofort meine Listen zu stempeln und abzuschicken! Vielen DANK! Falls jemand Stinkbomben, faule Eier oder ähnliches hat... die gute Dame heißt Frau Hower!
Wie dem auch sei... letztenendes habe ich alles heute abgeschickt und bin damit erstmal nen riesen Stein ( in form von ca. 2 Monaten Dauerstress) von meiner Seele los. Jetzt muss ich ja nur noch meine Übung vorbereiten die in 11 Tagen beginnt!!! _-_ Ich will URLAUB!!!
Und zum Schluss noch was ganz anderes...
Es ist schon irgendwie beeindruckend wie Mariah Carey auf der Bühe während des Songs mit ihren Background-Sängerinnen kommuniziert! ROFL
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Scanner High Resolution 11 X 17
Owned ... lol .. Mya Mya
007, comment on one of our Shooting Pics on AX:
"And on forbidden terrain photographed ..."
Aiko was so nice to him Drunterzukopieren comment on one of his paintings of the same date on same site.
... the times I'd like to park backwards o_O
(editor's note: Kamen in Gundam Cos at a demolished building over and Aiko flattest me what I had done since nu broken again with the Gundaaaahm (Spast containing XD) ... A: Yo have, when parallel parking net looked in rear view mirror ... I'm mad, I must said this this ..* and sucked at the coffee-straw * The chars you have to have a certain level of Selbstverarsche / irony)
Argh, I can simply type the net off. When he arrived at the meeting and Saku with slimy "oooh what a cute ? Bunny "has put them in my ears is already a" yes like you is one from which slipped out "... If the
matures hung me in lament once where he was between his legs O_O
random excitement
Animexx me deleted the Gallery with the Soukyuu no Fafner civilian outfits, this Hirnis.
Unlike so many "Roxas-Riku-Street/HipHop/Maid/Schlafanzug/Punker/Nackt/Sexy-no-Jutsu-Style-Cosplay" we have little Estens ne really authentic presentation occur with clothes so in the series and are represented in artworks.
Lower Austrian .. But even though we were both registered and the original image was present, the Gallery has been deleted. Because it "everyday clothes" are ... . war on request I have the great answer: yes where should I look for as chic n me link!
....... no comment.
backward, to park you know? * Caution
Richie, a skyscrapers!! Who? *
007, comment on one of our Shooting Pics on AX:
"And on forbidden terrain photographed ..."
Aiko was so nice to him Drunterzukopieren comment on one of his paintings of the same date on same site.
... the times I'd like to park backwards o_O
(editor's note: Kamen in Gundam Cos at a demolished building over and Aiko flattest me what I had done since nu broken again with the Gundaaaahm (Spast containing XD) ... A: Yo have, when parallel parking net looked in rear view mirror ... I'm mad, I must said this this ..* and sucked at the coffee-straw * The chars you have to have a certain level of Selbstverarsche / irony)
Argh, I can simply type the net off. When he arrived at the meeting and Saku with slimy "oooh what a cute ? Bunny "has put them in my ears is already a" yes like you is one from which slipped out "... If the
matures hung me in lament once where he was between his legs O_O
random excitement
Animexx me deleted the Gallery with the Soukyuu no Fafner civilian outfits, this Hirnis.
Unlike so many "Roxas-Riku-Street/HipHop/Maid/Schlafanzug/Punker/Nackt/Sexy-no-Jutsu-Style-Cosplay" we have little Estens ne really authentic presentation occur with clothes so in the series and are represented in artworks.
Lower Austrian .. But even though we were both registered and the original image was present, the Gallery has been deleted. Because it "everyday clothes" are ... . war on request I have the great answer: yes where should I look for as chic n me link!
....... no comment.
backward, to park you know? * Caution
Richie, a skyscrapers!! Who? *
Monday, August 11, 2008
Cocktail Dresses Under 50 Dollars
Animexx meeting August
Oiso Yes ... was the sou ...
In early morning, waving Martha and I were in the uniforms.
She wore my Orb university for Athrun Kira and I in White Zaft.
Because I'm so comfortable ne Sau I flopped in flip flops to the S-Bahn .. and went there only the "Fick mixed" (C) to KazukiMakabe boots.
Fresh, free, happy then we jumped out and the Commander in Pasing bought his first one pr0nhaften Caramel Macchiato Grande To Go Coffee Fellows.
(It's scary when you notice that one finds it not even more strange to go as in NEN Coffee Shop and buy sichn coffee)
.. On the way to the aquarium jumped unds another woman wanted us to turn on her book "pests" ... they think Although we were Satanists or Scientology ......( HÄ ?)...
was good at the meeting, as always:
hot, too little space, funny people ...
-funny people, funny people
-... did i mention funny people? ... No ?....
A sight for the gods as I sat on and there Zal0r Dresdner Bank, with our precious girl in a pseudo-Gothic oldies were talking and you both so while staring into the cut .... so I would have popped a
XD They were also MÖPPSE !!!!!...... tits big as head ..... impressive.
to the question: "Do you do well in DCM with?" of course, came the "No, we only guggn ".... and it was followed by the retort," Oh, you're still cool !"... uh ... thanks ... : D
Very pleasant surprise in the form of Li are still running on the way:)
We used the time to make some pictures in the near to us and then to look at the DCM. General
flashed me nothing really socks off ... I probably expected too much ^ ^
When we make photo spackten Sun from the firm once again we had to discard half of the pics for "facial deformities sliding Eaters" XD
(Need to work on being more professional ... kthx)
Then in the evening again went out in pseudo-civil Fafner in the lake, feet hanging into the water, hunting fish (eiii Fischi Fischiiiiii !)... and even made some nice Chilloutpics.
30 minutes on the way home we practiced then "burp funny words" (hey.. Männercosplay it was!)
I unfortunately failed to full line.
I'm just .. not cool!!. (
like Little Commander please be collected from the children's paradise
end of the announcement
Oiso Yes ... was the sou ...
In early morning, waving Martha and I were in the uniforms.
She wore my Orb university for Athrun Kira and I in White Zaft.
Because I'm so comfortable ne Sau I flopped in flip flops to the S-Bahn .. and went there only the "Fick mixed" (C) to KazukiMakabe boots.
Fresh, free, happy then we jumped out and the Commander in Pasing bought his first one pr0nhaften Caramel Macchiato Grande To Go Coffee Fellows.
(It's scary when you notice that one finds it not even more strange to go as in NEN Coffee Shop and buy sichn coffee)
.. On the way to the aquarium jumped unds another woman wanted us to turn on her book "pests" ... they think Although we were Satanists or Scientology ......( HÄ ?)...
was good at the meeting, as always:
hot, too little space, funny people ...
-funny people, funny people
-... did i mention funny people? ... No ?....
A sight for the gods as I sat on and there Zal0r Dresdner Bank, with our precious girl in a pseudo-Gothic oldies were talking and you both so while staring into the cut .... so I would have popped a
XD They were also MÖPPSE !!!!!...... tits big as head ..... impressive.
to the question: "Do you do well in DCM with?" of course, came the "No, we only guggn ".... and it was followed by the retort," Oh, you're still cool !"... uh ... thanks ... : D
Very pleasant surprise in the form of Li are still running on the way:)
We used the time to make some pictures in the near to us and then to look at the DCM. General
flashed me nothing really socks off ... I probably expected too much ^ ^
When we make photo spackten Sun from the firm once again we had to discard half of the pics for "facial deformities sliding Eaters" XD
(Need to work on being more professional ... kthx)
Then in the evening again went out in pseudo-civil Fafner in the lake, feet hanging into the water, hunting fish (eiii Fischi Fischiiiiii !)... and even made some nice Chilloutpics.
30 minutes on the way home we practiced then "burp funny words" (hey.. Männercosplay it was!)
I unfortunately failed to full line.
I'm just .. not cool!!. (
like Little Commander please be collected from the children's paradise
end of the announcement
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tattoo On My Wrist Pain
Phew ...
So, das zweite Referat ist auch vorbei, auch wenn es etwas besser hätte laufen können aber naja...
I've got an A-get in my mid-term exam of "Issues in Contemporary Japan"! * Yeay *
Actually I'm surprised the n bissl, because I've since put a lot of net ... It was a take-home exam and I habs written in one evening before the deadline. Since I can not get a ticket anyway (and therefore no notes), my motivation was correspondingly low. Why I am the A lot more. Even though - as I said - completely useless! * Ggg *
Also: Who would have thought ... We are in the FINALE !!!!!!! How (maybe) EUROPEAN CHAMPION !!!!! * It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home * * sing * And
ich bin in Japan. Na Klasse! Aber ich hab auch hier Spaß Fußball zu gucken. Meistens zumindest. Ausgerechnet beim Halb-Finale war aber der Wurm drin. Normalerweise nehm ich die Spiele auf, brenn sie, gehe nicht ins Internet oder sonstwas und schau sie dann in der Uni mit den üblichen Verdächtigen (Maiku, Kuniyoshi, Tomabechi, Fujiwara).
Aber das Viertelfinale wollten wir in der Uni Nachts live per stream gucken. Den gibts ja von der ZDF-Seite aus. Nur wird die Info, daß der Stream ausschließlich innerhalb Deutschlands abrufbar ist erst kurz vor dem Spiel angezeigt! NA DANKESCHÖN Du Drecks-ZDF!!!! *aufreg*
Aber da ich ja auf Nummer Sicher gegangen bin - man ga ichi und so - hab ich es auch wie immer included in the network. You can see this but then after the game but better than it is to download did not see. That everything went well, just that I've got the necessary decoding not connect to server. Oh great!
order about 6:30 clock then we have given up unnerved ... Well, in the end we had luck that we are NOT a sports bar in Ikebukuro or so left, then there was published some time thanks to the power loss in transmission center did nothing more.
The finale on Sunday we will look at live, in any case in ne sports bar. Now I have to me only in dire ne procure Germany flag. It has to be well in accordance aufgestylt! ^ ^
So, das zweite Referat ist auch vorbei, auch wenn es etwas besser hätte laufen können aber naja...
I've got an A-get in my mid-term exam of "Issues in Contemporary Japan"! * Yeay *
Actually I'm surprised the n bissl, because I've since put a lot of net ... It was a take-home exam and I habs written in one evening before the deadline. Since I can not get a ticket anyway (and therefore no notes), my motivation was correspondingly low. Why I am the A lot more. Even though - as I said - completely useless! * Ggg *
Also: Who would have thought ... We are in the FINALE !!!!!!! How (maybe) EUROPEAN CHAMPION !!!!! * It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home * * sing * And
ich bin in Japan. Na Klasse! Aber ich hab auch hier Spaß Fußball zu gucken. Meistens zumindest. Ausgerechnet beim Halb-Finale war aber der Wurm drin. Normalerweise nehm ich die Spiele auf, brenn sie, gehe nicht ins Internet oder sonstwas und schau sie dann in der Uni mit den üblichen Verdächtigen (Maiku, Kuniyoshi, Tomabechi, Fujiwara).
Aber das Viertelfinale wollten wir in der Uni Nachts live per stream gucken. Den gibts ja von der ZDF-Seite aus. Nur wird die Info, daß der Stream ausschließlich innerhalb Deutschlands abrufbar ist erst kurz vor dem Spiel angezeigt! NA DANKESCHÖN Du Drecks-ZDF!!!! *aufreg*
Aber da ich ja auf Nummer Sicher gegangen bin - man ga ichi und so - hab ich es auch wie immer included in the network. You can see this but then after the game but better than it is to download did not see. That everything went well, just that I've got the necessary decoding not connect to server. Oh great!
order about 6:30 clock then we have given up unnerved ... Well, in the end we had luck that we are NOT a sports bar in Ikebukuro or so left, then there was published some time thanks to the power loss in transmission center did nothing more.
The finale on Sunday we will look at live, in any case in ne sports bar. Now I have to me only in dire ne procure Germany flag. It has to be well in accordance aufgestylt! ^ ^
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Reviews Health Oasis Resort Samui
It is praised by many, but how far they can go really? More recently I have as a supporter of genetics but heard some things that I did not like. Some clone a human embryo in a blend with a cow ... and parents in England want to "grow" a deaf child because they themselves are deaf (Source: Article deaf baby ).
I personally think that's not right, even if the parents also suffer from this "disability" (I like this word is not easy). For the future I would hope that there is finally a binding order with respect to ethics is the use of genetic engineering. But I will not do well.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I Think My Dashund Has A Wart On His Ear
wig love ..
Yesterday they came .. my Amalthea wig
And great is soooo: ) for 9.99 € Muha bought .. : D
I did not want to smooth wig because hanging down always so spectacular, and in my mind has Amalthea rather-wave hair (depending on the animation you can see that indeed they are not totally smooth) are
The dress I will as soon as possible to sew when I find suitable material. I will net but brilliant stuff, but what really nice.
I think I'll take a few liberties me there, especially on the neck above hinnähen I wanted a nice border.
Hose maybe something fluttering and the skirt longer and more fluid.
The original is indeed very very simple .. XD
Maybe a matching hooded cape it, or I sew hmmm ... sometimes see the same Schmendrick had money ^ ^
Okay enough times except that I think a) is not as lean and b) net as gracefully as I am it is oke (there are worse XD) am, after all umhergefluppt even as Soryuu with slippers ... because I know nothing
XD And it's a costume for a movie / character I've loved idolized as a child.
....... And there is a woman! Whoa ... so imperiously table with Brüschten! has
From my F-List non-randomly to anyone who feels ne Last Unicorn Group? : D
Yesterday they came .. my Amalthea wig
And great is soooo: ) for 9.99 € Muha bought .. : D
I did not want to smooth wig because hanging down always so spectacular, and in my mind has Amalthea rather-wave hair (depending on the animation you can see that indeed they are not totally smooth) are
The dress I will as soon as possible to sew when I find suitable material. I will net but brilliant stuff, but what really nice.
I think I'll take a few liberties me there, especially on the neck above hinnähen I wanted a nice border.
Hose maybe something fluttering and the skirt longer and more fluid.
The original is indeed very very simple .. XD
Maybe a matching hooded cape it, or I sew hmmm ... sometimes see the same Schmendrick had money ^ ^
Okay enough times except that I think a) is not as lean and b) net as gracefully as I am it is oke (there are worse XD) am, after all umhergefluppt even as Soryuu with slippers ... because I know nothing
XD And it's a costume for a movie / character I've loved idolized as a child.
....... And there is a woman! Whoa ... so imperiously table with Brüschten! has
From my F-List non-randomly to anyone who feels ne Last Unicorn Group? : D
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Lab Population Genetics And Evolution Answers
After this year I can probably go to a few events / am going out my Cosplayplanung (also bissl retroactively)
LBM 2008
Saturday: Soushi Minashirou (Soukyuu no Fafner) with Aiko as Kazuki \u0026lt;3
Sunday: Athrun Zala - Orb (I did not at all XD .. never again ... ergo)
Animagic 2008
Friday: Suzaku Kururugi - Code Geass
Saturday: Byakko Half transformation (Yami no Matsuei) and Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)
Sunday: Soushi Minashirou (Soukyuu no Fafner), either plain or again Cos Achen
After this year I can probably go to a few events / am going out my Cosplayplanung (also bissl retroactively)
LBM 2008
Saturday: Soushi Minashirou (Soukyuu no Fafner) with Aiko as Kazuki \u0026lt;3
Sunday: Athrun Zala - Orb (I did not at all XD .. never again ... ergo)
Animagic 2008
Friday: Suzaku Kururugi - Code Geass
Saturday: Byakko Half transformation (Yami no Matsuei) and Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)
Sunday: Soushi Minashirou (Soukyuu no Fafner), either plain or again Cos Achen
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Can Youshower After You Wax Brazilian
LBM 2008 - Soukyuu no Fafner photo shoot
-------------- ---------------- Animexx Gallery ------------------------
Sun and are now the pictures from our photo shoot at the Leipzig Book Fair finally finished ^ ^ (well, actually are more, but sometimes the best ^ ^)
link above the Text here
-------------- ---------------- Animexx Gallery ------------------------
Sun and are now the pictures from our photo shoot at the Leipzig Book Fair finally finished ^ ^ (well, actually are more, but sometimes the best ^ ^)
link above the Text here
Monday, March 17, 2008
What Kind Of Camera Did Bella Have In New Moon
Was a great WE, I've met with a friend I have not seen for a long time and had a lot of fun with him. He is still in the department I left two years ago and wonder how he can stand still there.
Once celebrated one of our neighbors last Thursday "great" and he has ignored my calls discreetly to date, I have today phoned the property management. I'm actually the first to complain because that office. I do not understand why people do not stop the other actions, this noise to four clock in the morning is a not or does not care? At least our house is now writing to the Office of Management and points again to the Sleep out, which, although not much help, but apparently is that the maximum of what you can do about noisy neighbors.
Why are we so helpless against people that do not comply with regulations? Always get the police are also relatively ineffective, but more one can hardly help it.
Was a great WE, I've met with a friend I have not seen for a long time and had a lot of fun with him. He is still in the department I left two years ago and wonder how he can stand still there.
Once celebrated one of our neighbors last Thursday "great" and he has ignored my calls discreetly to date, I have today phoned the property management. I'm actually the first to complain because that office. I do not understand why people do not stop the other actions, this noise to four clock in the morning is a not or does not care? At least our house is now writing to the Office of Management and points again to the Sleep out, which, although not much help, but apparently is that the maximum of what you can do about noisy neighbors.
Why are we so helpless against people that do not comply with regulations? Always get the police are also relatively ineffective, but more one can hardly help it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Miami Custom Wrestling Singlets
We have beautiful hair ... we have the Haaaare beautiful ...
Back from the LBM.
It was hot ... so hot .. and so full and so much Naruddo cowl and hookers .. Wow! : D
But we had our fun, even if we 1) detected no bad (surprise us that ?.... nö) and 2) I think so many like to see on Mars has failed for our chanting XD ~
Christian is brave, he showed solidarity with the Andrew Seedtreffen ... (which for me was a little strange, but oke ..)
He had fun ^ ^
And I found us in easy .. schnuggisch Fafner: D
It did indeed not what we do, but the next day we knew we davar when we explained what we were wearing. (Then came most of these "Oh that you were?" Moment)
sniper wars even as we lift photos for glass I think five times up and down drove.
Visitors there probably thought we lift Boys XD ~
photos are sure to follow some more, no question.
preliminary views of this charming picture of us ... from our emo-SERIES (AHA!)
(scary that we would not wear contact lenses .. what should we wear ...)
Aiko and Kris presents: Soukyuu no Fafner - Behind the scenes.
We are maybe net quite straight, but fags we are therefore no long net!
Stay Tuned: D
WTF is with lament and Togaino no chi? Only no one ever knows, then comes the invasion? ..'m Kinda relieved that our "group" the year before last net came about, otherwise I would now frustrated XD Ok, 90% of the game or the chars are probably more familiar with non-real ... But I'm also not be so yes the friend ^ ^ (but that a certain person ... the Zungenakrobatin N. (Aiko, you know who ..) also made me shudder Konoe, and true! Habs only now NEM image ..... schockwah noticed!) The real me entgeilt all * __ *
Somehow we threw back then came out as the game and thus already clear that it certainly has potential (Cat-boys.. ... Yaoi Design is geil ..) But it goes so fast .. oops.
Bin blown glad to have the Cos, stay well rather go to the fringes of the me-Tums: running around D
underwear girls with the enthusiastic *____* face and then three look that way on photos. Forcing girls .. who do you walk around in thong slips out of the ass? .. Then at least look happy in the process of zefixx ..
The usual drool-photographer ". The usual song. No tits, no Skirt? no thanks.
All the better if it is raised again. Thank you to the unknown cheering ^ ^
My attempt to persuade the Security Heini I would trade visitors and I would not live there by was successful. What was probably the
? On the uniform, the body size ..... the blue wig? XD ~
suit-supporting asshole ...!
embarrassment of the weekend:
Marino told us that there was Fafner poster on its stand, so I dashed off a short meeting with the seed and then rummaged through this state. Again and again I fell
Kira thereby a poster in his hand.
After the 10 copies I was slightly annoyed and muttered "Wow ... who needs Gundam Gundam now ey!" to myself ...
Kam ridiculous something because I was the moment the Orb uniform from Gundam Seed Destiny Athrun Zala ... Self-Own
I'd call it.
Sales have been funny ... (reduction found on the posters but not gabs .. pff)
Back from the LBM.
It was hot ... so hot .. and so full and so much Naruddo cowl and hookers .. Wow! : D
But we had our fun, even if we 1) detected no bad (surprise us that ?.... nö) and 2) I think so many like to see on Mars has failed for our chanting XD ~
Christian is brave, he showed solidarity with the Andrew Seedtreffen ... (which for me was a little strange, but oke ..)
He had fun ^ ^
And I found us in easy .. schnuggisch Fafner: D
It did indeed not what we do, but the next day we knew we davar when we explained what we were wearing. (Then came most of these "Oh that you were?" Moment)
sniper wars even as we lift photos for glass I think five times up and down drove.
Visitors there probably thought we lift Boys XD ~
photos are sure to follow some more, no question.
preliminary views of this charming picture of us ... from our emo-SERIES (AHA!)
(scary that we would not wear contact lenses .. what should we wear ...)
Aiko and Kris presents: Soukyuu no Fafner - Behind the scenes.
We are maybe net quite straight, but fags we are therefore no long net!
Stay Tuned: D
WTF is with lament and Togaino no chi? Only no one ever knows, then comes the invasion? ..'m Kinda relieved that our "group" the year before last net came about, otherwise I would now frustrated XD Ok, 90% of the game or the chars are probably more familiar with non-real ... But I'm also not be so yes the friend ^ ^ (but that a certain person ... the Zungenakrobatin N. (Aiko, you know who ..) also made me shudder Konoe, and true! Habs only now NEM image ..... schockwah noticed!) The real me entgeilt all * __ *
Somehow we threw back then came out as the game and thus already clear that it certainly has potential (Cat-boys.. ... Yaoi Design is geil ..) But it goes so fast .. oops.
Bin blown glad to have the Cos, stay well rather go to the fringes of the me-Tums: running around D
underwear girls with the enthusiastic *____* face and then three look that way on photos. Forcing girls .. who do you walk around in thong slips out of the ass? .. Then at least look happy in the process of zefixx ..
The usual drool-photographer ". The usual song. No tits, no Skirt? no thanks.
All the better if it is raised again. Thank you to the unknown cheering ^ ^
My attempt to persuade the Security Heini I would trade visitors and I would not live there by was successful. What was probably the
? On the uniform, the body size ..... the blue wig? XD ~
suit-supporting asshole ...!
embarrassment of the weekend:
Marino told us that there was Fafner poster on its stand, so I dashed off a short meeting with the seed and then rummaged through this state. Again and again I fell
Kira thereby a poster in his hand.
After the 10 copies I was slightly annoyed and muttered "Wow ... who needs Gundam Gundam now ey!" to myself ...
Kam ridiculous something because I was the moment the Orb uniform from Gundam Seed Destiny Athrun Zala ... Self-Own
I'd call it.
Sales have been funny ... (reduction found on the posters but not gabs .. pff)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Side Effects Of Candida Cleanse
I'm getting old ...
three hours sleep at night is brutal -.-, used to be the normal for me.
Three times I had to call the police so that by 4 clock rest is finite. This is something that I can not and will proudly accept
three hours sleep at night is brutal -.-, used to be the normal for me.
Three times I had to call the police so that by 4 clock rest is finite. This is something that I can not and will proudly accept
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Pa Summer Accelerated Emt
Its a crack in the back ... un Sun Hashin
.. or something: D
Yes I know it is damn long ago (BAP)
But I really needed this time off anyway.
job has done moderately non so much, but I have learned a lot anyway ^ ^
men are actually alien beings and love really complicated ...
AAAAB ... ... of the moment ma still nothing: D
the day after that off to Leipzig. The first Con .... since 1 year.
I'm looking forward once again right on it.
Cosplay gibts then Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday from Soukyuu no Fafner Soushi Minashirou
The jacket is still at Aiko, but otherwise everything is always done since last year ^ ^
Purchased nu even then the wig and sat around here will be so ...
What does not do that for the perfect "Außenflip "....
'm satisfied now with color and cut:)
And Aiko is always as sweet as Kazuki .... we rock the LBM (although we recognize no bad ... no matter)
Sunday will then probably Athrun Orb in uniform are lying around ... because the stop had been NEM year, but I never wore. Joa ^ ^
Oh, I'm looking forward, hopefully we'll get beautiful photos: D *
pose together in collective
.. or something: D
Yes I know it is damn long ago (BAP)
But I really needed this time off anyway.
job has done moderately non so much, but I have learned a lot anyway ^ ^
men are actually alien beings and love really complicated ...
AAAAB ... ... of the moment ma still nothing: D
the day after that off to Leipzig. The first Con .... since 1 year.
I'm looking forward once again right on it.
Cosplay gibts then Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday from Soukyuu no Fafner Soushi Minashirou
The jacket is still at Aiko, but otherwise everything is always done since last year ^ ^
Purchased nu even then the wig and sat around here will be so ...
What does not do that for the perfect "Außenflip "....
'm satisfied now with color and cut:)
And Aiko is always as sweet as Kazuki .... we rock the LBM (although we recognize no bad ... no matter)
Sunday will then probably Athrun Orb in uniform are lying around ... because the stop had been NEM year, but I never wore. Joa ^ ^
Oh, I'm looking forward, hopefully we'll get beautiful photos: D *
pose together in collective
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Treatment For Meralgia Paresthetica Yoga
sign of life
It is time for my annual entry.
two weeks ago I had a job interview in the ARC Seibersdorf for a summer job. The conversation with my any boss was fun and my field there is certainly great, at least if I approve the settlement. That must approve me I find somewhat ironic, because the pay is far from good. I know students are really in pretty much every profession except only in some activities I can understand that, but not in others.
Why only is the work of a student not worth anything? I will now have to be content with a maximum salary of 750 €, I will do it because my experience of this is worth even more than my income, but I feel somehow as insolence earning so little.
I mean, I'm now a student and expand my horizons and so "blah", but why is my work, now that I know more than before, less value than it was when I went into the HTL and had no idea what life is like this? Even then, I have 1.7 times the worth of what I get now.
I'm too much stress in terms of my tests. I sit here and learn forever (my standards) for a test and I still have not to fear they are, I forget that most others have in my semester no idea of what we learn and the questions in the tests accordingly simple are. Memo to me: test preparations take a little looser.
In an interview with Unikollegen today I found that I once again ticking a little different than most. You look worried about the future of the study because the subjects demand more and I am pleased that the subjects are finally interesting. I can hardly even for the study of motivation but the harder it will be the greater my motivation all by itself.
The only thing I still do not like about my study is that our hours cut ECTS comparatively very bad. An exercise where you must attend a month 09:30 to 17:00 (Mon-Fri) at the University have to be is only worth 7 points, I think this is too little compared with the effort, according to where literature search and the like does not make during this time.
Hm .. I think now I've given back enough for a year from me) I'm finally
It is time for my annual entry.
two weeks ago I had a job interview in the ARC Seibersdorf for a summer job. The conversation with my any boss was fun and my field there is certainly great, at least if I approve the settlement. That must approve me I find somewhat ironic, because the pay is far from good. I know students are really in pretty much every profession except only in some activities I can understand that, but not in others.
Why only is the work of a student not worth anything? I will now have to be content with a maximum salary of 750 €, I will do it because my experience of this is worth even more than my income, but I feel somehow as insolence earning so little.
I mean, I'm now a student and expand my horizons and so "blah", but why is my work, now that I know more than before, less value than it was when I went into the HTL and had no idea what life is like this? Even then, I have 1.7 times the worth of what I get now.
I'm too much stress in terms of my tests. I sit here and learn forever (my standards) for a test and I still have not to fear they are, I forget that most others have in my semester no idea of what we learn and the questions in the tests accordingly simple are. Memo to me: test preparations take a little looser.
In an interview with Unikollegen today I found that I once again ticking a little different than most. You look worried about the future of the study because the subjects demand more and I am pleased that the subjects are finally interesting. I can hardly even for the study of motivation but the harder it will be the greater my motivation all by itself.
The only thing I still do not like about my study is that our hours cut ECTS comparatively very bad. An exercise where you must attend a month 09:30 to 17:00 (Mon-Fri) at the University have to be is only worth 7 points, I think this is too little compared with the effort, according to where literature search and the like does not make during this time.
Hm .. I think now I've given back enough for a year from me) I'm finally
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