wollomollow @ 2007-04-10T17: 02:00
While I was working are lot of things occurred that I could have written here today .... now arrived at home most of these ideas are gone, but thank God I have now re-occurred a few.
first My boss has wiedermal laboratory proved how great it is (note sarcasm). In fact brought us today opened the next week we will run through Friday a trial in which she has no idea what will we, nor how long it will last .... and finally brings then the following sentence: "But I got to go to Friday at the latest 13 clock, since I was still in front.
this sentence I do not intend to comment further.
second I want to get a PC and I let myself put together from a dealer, because I do not know whether mention of names are allowed here, I leave to get away. In any case, the dealer has advised me not to now to invest in a PC, for now in the month of May, the Intel processors cheaper and brings out new NVidia graphics cards. So now even if I wait until June, I get almost the same money the newer devices are more efficient. I think that's really great that he has told me that because I would have otherwise in the next Months and bought me angry 1 month later it's all become cheaper. More
occurs to me now not just a ... except that I direct my colleagues more than just annoying. This is really madness ... 1 minute of their presence is enough to rest the last weekend to consume.